Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Final ideas for Quentin

After the presentation, I did a lot more thinking and research into how I can present Quentin in his photographs. Initially I did have the idea to go down the route of showing him very obviously as a 'Prince', with him wearing some sort of crown. However my idea was to have him wearing a crown made of thorns, which could have been seen to have him almost a symbol for Religion coming to save Claudia from her distress, but after asking the opinion of those around me I decided against this because I thought there was the chance of offending some people- which I don't want to do. As I didn't want to do just thorns, I thought about sourcing a crown and lacing it with thorns- however the ones that I found looked very fake and cheap, so I needed to re-think my idea again. 
Upon reflection of my original idea of having a crown, I think that it might look over the top and I think that having him as a symbol of the Prince might be better. I came to this because if he was to be seen in the TV series, he wouldn't be seen with a crown on his head - as none of the 'royal' characters do. I thought that instead I could use the idea of a bloodied bandage over his eyes or pulled down around his neck. When I shoot the character, I will take multiple images showing both and then decide which I like better. 

In my initial face charts I did use the idea of contact lenses, however upon deliberation I decided against them due to not being confident putting them in, and also my model not being confident in wearing them. So I have done a final face chart of the look showing this. 
I decided on doing the scratches from the thorns over his eye area and down his body, with grazes on his knuckles also. In my initial face charts I did have bruises on his face and chin, however I thought it would be too much. However when I do the look, if it looks like it needs a bit more adding to it, I may add in some defensive bruising to his hands and arms, to show that he is protecting Claudia from Mrs Laderman.

When I shoot him, I want him to be wearing a white shirt that I will rip and add fake blood to. I wanted the styling for him to be very plain and simple because the makeup is quite full on and I don't want to make the photo look over the top. Furthermore the white from the shirt would give a connotation of innocence to the photo, making it seem as though he a victim of Mrs Laderman.  

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