- Mould: which you can fill with Gelatin/silicone
- Petrolese : release spray, which you need to spray onto the mould before
- Pros-aide : prosthetic glue, a flexible glue.
- Pro- Clean: remover of the glue. THIS IS THE ONLY THING THAT WILL REMOVE THE GLUE.
- Kryolan Foundation palette
- Kryolan SupraColour palette
- Fake Blood
- Witch Hazel
- Powder
- Makeup Brushes
- Baby buds
- Cotton pads
- Puff
- Scissors
- Make sure that hands are clean before touching the model's skin.
- Make sure to cover over the model so that none of the products can transfer onto the clothes.
- Pros-aide is a contact glue, which means that you have to apply glue to the skin as well as the mould.
-You have to make sure that both sides are dry (they will go completely clear) before you stick them together.
- You may have to trim the edges of the mould slightly. It's better to have some rough edges as they won't show up as much on camera in comparison to straight edges.
- Use a baby bud to apply glue onto the mould and the skin.
- Wait until clear, then stick the mould on. You need to press down hard to make sure that it is stuck properly.
- Use Witch-Hazel on a baby bud to melt away the edges of the mould. Use a downwards motion to do this as this will melt the edges better.
- Powder the area to see what edges need melting away.
- Clean away any excess glue around the edges, making sure not to go under the mould as it will cause it to unstick.
- Colour the wound. Make sure that the colour is translucent and not heavy. If the edges are too hard, bring lightly over the edge.
- To remove the mould, just peel off and wipe the excess glue from the skin using the Pro-Clean.
- To remove the mould, just peel off and wipe the excess glue from the skin using the Pro-Clean.
The wound after I applied it to the skin. |
The wound after I coloured it. |
I did find it incredibly difficult to get all of the edges melted away and I don't think that it looks very good because of this. I did try to blend the red colour out and around to make it look like it was blended in more, but I think that it made it stand out a lot more. I think that adding the fake blood to the wound foes give it an extra element of depth to the wound, making it look a lot better than just using the normal SupraColours. I do think however that I went slightly overboard with trying to blend the black SupraColour into the wound, so that instead of a hint of blackness to the wound it became slightly purple which I don't think looks very realistic.
Another thing that I found slightly tricky to remove was the glue from my arm, I did have to use quite a lot of the Pro-Clean to make sure that it was completely removed from my arm. This makes me wonder if I used a bit to much glue on my arm so that it became more difficult to remove with more product.
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